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Family Tree

Family Tree of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Great Sikh

(apabhransha of Bhupati, the founder of Bhatti Rajput sept)
Maharaja Shal Bhan
(Ruled almost whole of India after Vikramaditya era from his capital at Sialkot )
Raja Joosal
Raja Manesh
Raja Mun
Raja Jondar
Raja Ajaipal
Raja Jaigopal
Raja Padam Ruth
Raja Bhuttee
(Founder Bhutner)
Raja Lakhanpal
(Was King of Punjab and moved his captal to Lahore)
Raja Sohanda
Raja Sahunsar Pal
(Founder Raja Sansi)
|(Sardar at Bhutner)
(Lost much of his position)
(Settled at Vain Pain near Amritsar)
Raja Dhretraj
(King of part of Punjab)
(Settled in Sukerchak. Died 1578)
Ch. Takhat Mal
Budha (Singh) – Our Ancestors
(Also known as Desu, owing to his picbald mare of “Desi” breed. He got baptized by Guru Gobind Singh Ji as Sikh in 1692 A.D. and became Budh Singh)
Nodh Singh 
(The Sardars of Sukarchakia Misl or Sukarchakias, the immediate family of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, were Nodh Singh’s descendants of Jat Sikh Sandhu clan.
Chanda Singh was his younger brother & his descendants came to be known as Sindhanwalias  of Raja Sansi.)
Charat Singh
(Chet Singh, Dal Singh and Manghi Singh were his siblings.)
Mahan Singh 
(Soojh Singh was his sibling. Mahan Singh was married to the daughter of  Gajpat Singh , the Chief of Jind, who was the great-grandson of Chaudhary Phul Bhatti, the founder of the Phulkiyan Sikh state.)
Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(None of his lineal descendants now survive. The lineage ended with Maharaja Dalip Singh who died without a male heir.)


The Sansis, by many accounts, seem to have originated from the Bhatti Rajputs. The clan’s history, however, is full of vicissitudes. Bhattis claim origin from Krishna’s clan. After their expulsion from Rajputana by Allaudin Khilji , the Sansis appeared as an offshoot of the vanquished Bhattis who took the title of the clan after Sans Mal, their consanguineous patriarch. The fortune and social standing of the clan underwent gradual deterioration from rulers to wandering gypsies and nomads , infamous in public perception as hunters , robbers and petty-thieves.

The fortune of a section of the clan dramatically changed for the better again after Budha Sansi , got baptized as a Sikh and joined forces with the rebellious Sikh militants who later on exploited the power vacuum in Punjab in the aftermath of Maratha-Afghan conflict to establish the independent Sikh Misls or confederacies. Nodh Singh son of Buddha Sansi , founded the powerful Sukerchakia Misl. Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the representative of Sukerchakia Misl, united all the misls to form the powerful Sikh kingdom which lasted around fifty years.

The Sandhanwalias who were the cousins of Sukerchakias , the socially better off surviving Sansis, got allied with the Jats and a Sansi Jat clan was also recorded in early imperial censuses, which were rather crude and inaccurate. But the numbers of this “Jat” clan were extremely small , indicating it, at best, as a very recent accretion into an inclusive and a heterogeneous fold , which represents a functional category , composed of diverse farming identities, almost as often as it does an ethnic caste. Lepel Griffin , a contemporary of Maharaja, however, clearly identified as Sukerchakias as belonging to the same stock as rest of the Sansi Sikhs, which is the same opinion held by many other historians of note. The dynasty clan of Sukerchakia misl is Sansi Jat Sikh Sandhu.