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The Pedigree Of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Sardar Budh Singh

Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the wonderful personality who seems to have taken birth to fulfil George Forster’s prophesy, to put an end to internecine warfare among Sikh Chiefs, to create a glorious Sikh kingdom, and to bring glory to the name of Punjab. He was the Chief of the Sukkarchakkia Misl. This misl was founded by Sardar Charhat Singh during the period when Punjab was afflicted with Ahmad Shah Abdali’s invasions. Sardar Charhat Singh’s ancestors had settled in village Sukar-Chak in 1555A.D.

Sardar Naudh Singh

Budh Singh had two sons, Naudh Singh and Chanda Singh. Naudh Singh was married in 1730 A.D. to the daughter of a rich land-owner of Majitha village of Amritsar district. Like his father, Naudh Singh too, proved to be a very brave,and fearless fighter and soon became well-known in the surrounding areas. He became active in order to derive benefit from disturbed conditions caused by Nadir Shah’s and joined Nawab Kapur Singh’s jatha.These two chiefs raided the camp of Ahmad Shah.

Sardar Charhat Singh

Sardar Naudh Singh had four sons – Charhat Singh, Dal Singh, Chet Singh and Maghi Singh. The eldest, Charhat Singh was then 20 years old. During the same period, Sardars Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, Hari Singh and Jhanda Singh Bhangis had established their respective misls and had occupied different territories. Charhat Singh, though young in age, was very intelligent and far sighted. He held consultations with his companions and having collected select brave young men of his area .

Birth of Ranjit Singh

Mahan Singh returned after conquering Rasulnagar. No sooner had he entered the bounds of Gujranwala than he got the happy news of the birth of a son to him. Mahan Singh was overjoyed. Because he had just returned after a victory in the field, he named his son Ranjit Singh during the function held for celebration of the victory. He said that the newborn would always be victorious in field of battle.

Sardar Mahan Singh becomes the Sukerchakia Chief

When Mahan Singh came of age, he took the reins of the misl in his own hands. He, again wrested Rohtas fort from Nur-ud-Din, and established his hegemony over Kotli Ahangaran near Sialkot. The artisans of this place were skillful manufacturers of shot fire arms. Mahan Singh took full advantage of these craftsmen and armed his men with new versions of muskets.

Notes & References

Munshi Sohan Lal writes in Roznamcha Ranjit Singh that Budh Singh embraced Sikhism during the time of Guru Har Rai. Guru Har Rai left for his heavenly abode in the year 1661 A.D.

This incident has been described variously by many authors. Our statement is based on Munshi Sohan Lal’s book. Captain Reid, too, has accepted Munshi Sohan Lal’s version. What Sayyad Muhammad Latif and Rai Bahadur Kanhaiya Lal have written is based on Captain Murray’s report, that Charhat Singh’s death occurred by his own gun firing during the Jammu invasion in 1774 A.D.

Munshi Sohan Lal has given horoscope of Ranjit Singh in his book. He writes that at the time of his birth Ranjit Singh was named Budh Singh.